Skills for Life
Re-Create offers tailored work experience and placement programmes for mainstream and SEN students in Suffolk and Essex to gain valuable insight into potential career options and pathways.
We also provide a respite apartment, 'Re-Create Freedom,' for attendees to develop their domestic living skills.
Work Experience
We offer work experience programmes to mainstream and Special Educational Needs (SEN) units/ schools in Suffolk and Essex.
High school students from mainstream schools (eg Northgate, Copleston, Stoke High) typically do a week’s traditional work experience at one or more of our locations. Each programme is tailored to give students a real and valuable insight into potential career options for them after school/college.
Attendees from SEN schools (eg Stone Lodge Academy, Bridge School, Doucecroft School and Thomas Wolsey Ormiston Academy) participate in the work activities at our day services. Each programme is tailored to give students a real and valuable insight into potential pathways for them after school/college.
It also means that when they come back to us, after they’ve left school, they’re already familiar and comfortable with the surroundings and the Re-Create team.
We offer placement programmes to further education colleges and training organisations in Suffolk.
Students from colleges including Suffolk Rural College, Suffolk New College and One Sixth Form College (‘One’) undertake placements with us, usually in the second year of their Level 2 Diploma in Health and Social Care. This gives students valuable practical experience to implement their learning.
Students with learning disabilities from training organisations including Lapwing and WS Training also undertake supported placements with us to evidence their vocational learning.
Progress is measured through a review with each attendee, plus feedback is given direct to the school/college.
Work experience and placements are available at all Re-Create locations. If you’re interested, please contact the individual unit managers for more details. Their contact details can be found on the Our team page.
We don’t charge a fee for our work experience and placements! … Why? – Firstly, because we benefit from having good relationships with the schools and colleges involved. And secondly, because there’s a track record of students on work experience/placements coming through to either employment with us or to access our day services.
Living Skills
Our respite apartment, ‘Re-Create Freedom’ (located above Re-Create Discovery in Felixstowe), lets us offer day activities to encourage and develop attendees’ domestic living skills. These include cooking; cleaning/tidying, laundry and bed changing.
The apartment can be booked by external organisations who supply their own qualified carer. It’s a flexible service that can be booked by the hour.
For enquiries about the ‘Livings Skills’ activities, please contact: Sonia Stephens, Service Delivery Manager, Re-Create Freedom, sonia@recreate-enterprise.co.uk, 07423 670904.
£25 per hour