Day Services

Our ‘Day services’ consist of work-based therapeutic activities that encourage and develop ‘skills for work’.

These skills include time keeping, self-discipline, numeracy, literacy, task management, team work, target setting, order processing, stock control, social interaction, perseverance, focus and concentration, point of sale training and customer service.

Re-Create Enterprise and Re-Create Discovery focus on craft-oriented activities, while Re-Create Voyager focuses on printing services.

We typically host about 50 attendees per day across our three locations.

Craft-oriented activities

Recycling is at the heart of our craft-oriented activities. We collect unwanted, unused and surplus items from local businesses and individuals. These typically include card, paper, film, foil, fabric, ribbon, buttons, sequins, bottles, containers and a whole host of other unique items.

Our attendees then process these items to produce art and crafts materials which we sell in our shops to customers who include schools, playgroups, drama groups, businesses and individuals.

The processing tasks include: sorting, counting, measuring, cutting, rolling, embossing, punching, sewing, packing, pricing and displaying.

The remaining tasks are interacting with customers and completing paperwork as appropriate (accessible versions are readily available).

We also employ social media so that our work is seen by a wider audience. We encourage attendees to post on our Facebook page, reply to customer enquiries and create marketing material to promote the business, service and products.

We offer these activities at Re-Create Enterprise (Ipswich) and Re-Create Discovery (Felixstowe).

  • Our attendees get a real sense of pride and accomplishment as they’re able to participate in every step of the business:

    Sorting - Processing - Packing - Pricing - Displaying - Serving customers

    In doing so, they learn new skills, maintain and develop their fine motor skills, stimulate cognitive processes, improve communication and fulfil their social needs.

    We also teach our attendees to respect other people’s abilities; and to understand that some people need to work in different ways or at a different pace.

    Our customers benefit because our products are priced very competitively so they can buy our recycled and upcycled art and crafts materials at a fraction of the cost of buying new.

    The recycling that the whole process is built on benefits the environment by reducing landfill, it also saves donating companies money on their waste disposal costs.


Printing Services

At Re-Create Voyager, our attendees create bespoke printed garments, such as t-shirts, polo shirts and hoodies. Prices start from just £8.00 per garment. We use quality clothing from reliable and reputable suppliers, such as Fruit of the Loom and Gildan.

We receive orders from businesses, organisations or members of the public. Our attendees then cut the design from t-shirt vinyl, picking/weeding the vinyl to reveal the design and disposing of the waste material. The actual printing process involves using a heat press to apply the vinyl onto the garment. Hot flex vinyl is extremely durable and has superb opacity for bold prints that won't fade.

After quality-control checking, the garment is folded and packed, ready for dispatch or collection by the customer. Our attendees are involved in every stage of the production process, from taking customer orders, to printing and dispatching the items.

The team are able to assist customers with design suggestions and there are no set up fees. We can print onto a wide range of clothing items - supplied either by us or the customer.

Artwork and requirements can be emailed directly to Sarah at or customers can call 01473 217755 for an informal chat about their needs.

  • Our attendees get a real sense of pride and accomplishment as they’re able to participate in every step of the business:

    Order processing – Design - Printing - Packing - Dispatch - Serving customers

    In doing so, they learn new skills, maintain and develop their fine motor skills, stimulate cognitive processes, improve communication and fulfil their social needs. The printing services offered by Re-Create Voyager are a great way for attendees to develop vocational skills because the tasks require team work and need to be completed against real deadlines.

    We also teach our attendees to respect other people’s abilities; and to understand that some people need to work in different ways or at a different pace.

    Our customers benefit because our products are priced very competitively so they can buy great quality clothing at a very affordable price.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Progress is measured through personal work books, face-to-face reviews and certificates.

    Work books

    Attendees complete their own ‘digital’ work books (with support where needed) at the end of each visit. The books are used to keep a record of their personal achievements and activity preferences. They’re also useful tools to stimulate discussion at home and as an aid in reviews; especially if the individual has communication difficulties or finds it difficult to speak up in a group/formal setting.

    Some attendees have more specific targets through schemes such as RARPA, City & Guilds and AQA and use the workbooks to formally evidence their progress against Functional Skills, GCSEs, Arts Award and Vocational Learning.

    Face-to-face reviews

    Suffolk County Council and educational providers (i.e. schools, colleges and training organisations) hold service reviews to which the attendee can invite the people who are most important to them in their life. This gives individuals the opportunity to share their achievements and experiences and also plan for their future progression. We will often host the reviews on our sites and use the workbooks and records of stay as evidence.


    All attendees participate in our own Re-Use Specific Certificates (RUSC) programme which enables them to be assessed on their effort and attainment in completing their activities. These accumulate and enable attendees to achieve bronze, silver or gold certificates which are awarded annually. Attendees are also given the opportunity to participate in a range of external accredited courses.

  • If you have a learning disability or are a parent, carer or an advocate for someone with a learning disability, please contact us to discuss arranging a free ‘taster day’ so that you can come and participate in some activities and make a more informed choice as to whether you’d like to attend.

    For craft-oriented activities at Re-Create Enterprise (Ipswich), contact: Shawn Fendley, Service Delivery Manager, Re-Create Enterprise,, 01473 603393.

    For craft-oriented activities at Re-Create Discovery (Felixstowe), contact: Liam Gregory, Service Delivery Lead, Re-Create Discovery,, 01394 286401.

    For printing service activities at Re-Create Voyager, contact: Sarah French, Service Delivery Lead, Re-Create Voyager,, 01473 217755.

  • The options are to join a group session, or a one-to-one session and you can book full or half-days.

    Group-supported service

    Full day (09:00 – 16:00): £56.11

    Half-day 09:00 – 12:30, 13:00 – 16:00): £29.54

    1:1 supported service

    Full day (09:00 – 16:00): £180.08

    Half-day (09:00 – 12:30, 13:00 – 16:00): £94.25

    Supported service with own 1:1

    Full day (09:00 – 16:00): £56.11

    Half-day (09:00 – 12:30, 13:00 – 16:00): £29.54

  • Many people use their personal budgets/Direct Payments to access Re-Create; others are funded by Suffolk County Council, Lapwing and colleges.

    Customer First’ is the first point of contact for social services in Suffolk. Please contact Customer First on 0808 800 4005 to find out about your funding entitlement; they will also be able to assist you with funding applications and referrals.

    Another organisation that can help is: ACE Suffolk People First – 01449 678088.